May & June away in the woods development update

4 July, 2024
Tagged as: #game-dev, #away-in-the-woods, #inn-need

I had three goals for away in the woods May through July: finish the baseline map of every area in the game, implement all the planned scripts in the game, and create "at least" placeholder graphics for everything. I knocked out the scripts with some excellent help from my friend Oak in early June, and yesterday night, I finished my last baseline map!

This does leave the graphics. "At least" placeholder essentially means that I'd like to get as many of the final graphics done as possible, but the most important thing is to have graphics the right size created so I can import them into the game and swap them out as I create the finished versions. I think I'll start with the super basic placeholders this month, and then try to swap out as many as I can by the end of the month.

Next month, I'll start work on the actual game: creating a specific version of each baseline map for "Day 1", and filling it out with events. I'm feeling optimistic that with all the prep-work I've done, I'll be able to go through it quickly, but we'll see.

In addition to all of this, I'm jumping back into Inn Need editing. We're so close to being done, we're planning on setting a release date soon and doing our final runs of glitch fixes. I swear, every run I say is going to be the last one, and then we find more that needs fixing... we're really getting to the end, though, and I think having a deadline will help a lot. It certainly did with the game jam version!